Tag: Non Profit

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Capacity Building Training to Women Farmers on Climate Risk Management

Due to the economy's reliance on natural resources and man-made environmental degradation, overgrazing, and two decades of war and neglect, climate change and returning drought have become serious and dominant...

Capacity Building on Climate-smart Agriculture in Somalia

Background Climate change is a significant challenge facing the agricultural sector in Somalia. The changing climate has led to droughts, floods, and erratic rainfall patterns, which have had a significant...

Training of Agropastoral and Extension Agent in Sustainable Livestock Value Chain.

The livestock sector is the backbone of Somalia's economy, contributing significantly to the country's GDP and providing livelihoods to millions of people. However, several challenges have hindered the sector's growth...

Capacity Building Training to Farmers in Baki on FMNR Concept

The forestry and vegetation in Somaliland consists chiefly of coarse grass, and stunted thorn and acacia trees. Severe deforestation was caused by illegal tree cutting and Charcoal production, which affect...

Climate-Resilient Water and Sanitation Infrastructure for Awdal Communities in Somalia

The project Climate-Resilient Water and Sanitation Infrastructure for Awdal Communities in Somalia aims to address the significant lack of access to clean water and sanitation facilities in Somalia's Lughaya District....

Building Capacity for Youth and Gender in Climate Risk Management and Sustainable Production in Somalia

Climate change is a significant challenge facing the agricultural sector in Somalia. The changing climate has led to droughts, floods, and erratic rainfall patterns, which have had a significant impact...

Accelerating Renewable Energy Transition in Somalia

This report provides an overview of the event “Climate Emergency Day on Accelerating Renewable Energy Transition in Somalia” that took place at Astaan TV Main Hall on Saturday, July 22,...

Green Energy for a Sustainable Future in Horn of Africa

The Federal Republic of Somalia is located in the Horn of Africa on the eastern edge of the continent - adjacent to the Red Sea, Suez Canal and key commercial...